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Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI)

Prof. Hanan Al Baz (info@tbri.sci.eg)

Organisation administrator's name or contact person
Prof.Azza Saleh (azzasaleh@hotmail.com)

Telephone number: +(202)35401019 +(2

Fax Number: +(202)35408125

Physical address
El-Nile St., Warrak El-Hader, Imbaba Giza , Egypt P.O.BOX : 30 Imbaba


Institution website address

Organisation Info.

In what sector does the institution operate

On what basis does the institution operate

Type of Organisation
Professional Association

What is the institutional affilliation of your Organisation
Government, Hospital


Level of operation

What is the level of operation
National, International, Regional



Does your organisation have a dedicated budget for research for health?

From what sources does the research budget come?
National government, Research grants, Sale of services, Fees for Services, Institutional Grant

Are members of your organisation compensated/remunerated for their work



Does your institution have its own
Offices, Telephone, Fax line, Computer, Internet Connection, Photocopier, Hospitals, Laboratories, Research Centre


Details of Members

Are members of your organisation compensated/remunerated for their work


Human resources development

Does your organisation have a dedicated budget for research for health? Yes

From what sources does the research budget come?: National government, Research grants, Sale of services, Fees for Services, Institutional Grant


 TBRI is a medical research and training institution affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Moreover, the institute offers medical services in its specific specialties.

 TBRI Mission
 The control, diagnosis and treatment of endemic diseases and their complications especially those affecting the liver, the gastrointestinal and the urinary tracts, mainly as result of schistosomiasis and viral hepatitis. This is to meet the social, economic and technological needs of Egypt and the regional area.
TBRI Vision
Be a leading centre for research and training in diagnosis, control and management of endemic diseases in the region.
TBRI strategy
 The Strategy covers seven items:
1- Research strategy to Conduct coordinated and applied research.
2-Intensify the use of technology for the empowerment and development of human resources
3-Information and communication development to integrate the scientific view points.
4- Improvement of medical services
5- Resource development and capacity building.
6- Quality control and assurance
7-Scientific cooperation with local and international agencies and institutions.
Research Divisions: 6 divisions:
1- Clinical Medicine Research Division:

Head of Division

Prof. Dr. Ahmed sadek

Professor of Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Deputy of Division

Prof. Dr. Hesham Rafat Elkhayat

Professor of Gastroenterology & Hepatology


     • Gastroenterology & Hepatology Deptartment
     • Nephrology Department
     • Public Health Department
     • Radiology Department




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