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Key Institutions / Networks
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  • Supplementary Info.

National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR)

Medial Research Coordinating Committee

Prof Yunus D. Mgaya (dg_office@nimr.or.tz)

Organisation administrator's name or contact person
Mrs Joyce Ikingura (ethics@nimr.or.tz)

Telephone number: +255 22 212 14 00

Fax Number: +255 22 212 13 60

Physical address
2448, Ocean Road P.O. Box 9653 Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Postal address
National Health Research Ethics Sub-Committee (NatHREC), National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), P.O. Box 9653 Dar es Salaam Tanzania


Institution website address

Organisation Info.

In what sector does the institution operate
Public Sector

On what basis does the institution operate

What is the institutional affilliation of your Organisation
Research Institution, Government


Level of operation

What is the level of operation



Does your organisation have a dedicated budget for research for health?
Public Sector

From what sources does the research budget come?
National government, Research grants



Does your institution have its own
Offices, Telephone, Fax line, Computer, Internet Connection, Photocopier, Laboratories, Research Centre


Human resources development

Does your organisation have a dedicated budget for research for health? Yes

From what sources does the research budget come?: National government, Research grants




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