Civil Society Organisations

We define Civil Society Organizations in research and innovation for health, equity and development as:

Organizations that are private, not-for-profit, operate between the state and the public, and between the state and the market. These organizations represent or serve groups of people, are guided by a passion to contribute to social justice, have interest in research, science and innovation, and in using these to assess and tackle health determinants, influence health policies and improve health outcomes.

The CSOs may act on an international, national or local level. They can be of a charitable, research, social enterprise or educational nature and are concerned with a wide range of health and health determinants issues. Some raise money to help fund or implement research projects. Others implement health community projects or focus on improving health systems. Some “attempt to educate the public and others campaign on major global issues or lobby governments and international agencies to change public policies.”[1]

Clarification notes:

For the purpose of this work, we are including in the definition of CSO Community based organizations, Indigenous Peoples organizations; Non-governmental organizations; Philanthropic organizations; Faith based or Religious organizations; Professional associations; Humanitarian organizations; Think tanks; Patient/Disease organization or association; and Social enterprises.

We understand that Academic Institutions at times could also be considered a CSO. However, the present work with CSOs is trying to give visibility to organizations that are not usually considered as a key partner in research for health and development.  For this reason, we are not focusing on the work done by academic institutions.

In all of COHRED activities, we define:

-Research as the generation of new knowledge

- Innovation as the process from the generation of a new idea to its transformation into practical applications (useful services, products, diagnostic tools, drugs, methods, management practices and policies), and to their implementation via public procurement and distribution.

- Social Innovation as the process that involves the elaboration of more effective ways to organize people and information in health systems

- Invention as the creation of a new idea

- Development as the process of scaling up innovations

- Not-for-profit or non-profit organization is an organization that does not distribute its surplus funds to owners or shareholders, but instead uses them to help pursue its goals and to reinvest them in social goods.

[1]  World Bank


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We reserve the right to remove postings that do not comply with the rules of usage of the board. Message posted here do not necessarily represent the opinions of the HRWEB community and its members.


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We reserve the right to remove postings that do not comply with the rules of usage of the board. Message posted here do not necessarily represent the opinions of the HRWEB community and its members.


Please help Civil society organisations populate its page, we do not have events available on this section. is a social action platform that empowers anyone, anywhere to start, join, and win campaigns to change the world.  
 Código rojo: guía para el manejo de la hemorragia obstétrica
Resumen La hemorragia obstétrica es la primera causa de muerte materna en el mundo. Lo mismo ocurre en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Por ser una situación urgente y que compromete la vida de las mujeres, se presenta la siguiente guía de manejo para el tratamiento del choque hemorrágico de origen obstétrico, basada en los siguientes principios básicos: el manejo óptimo, la reposición adecuada del volumen sanguíneo, el trabajo en equipo y la insistencia en el uso de las diferentes maniobras para la disminución de la hemorragia. Summary Obstetric haemorrhage is the main cause of maternal death around the world. this holds true in the state of Antioquia, Colombia. A management guide for treating obstetric hemorrhagic shock is thus presented due to the seriousness of this situation compromising women's lives. It was based on the following basic principles: optimum time management, suitable restoration of blood volume, efficient teamwork and insistence on using several techniques for decreasing blood loss.   - (pdf, 2266.38 Kb)
 Research Policy of the Medicus Mundi International Network
The MMI research policy (2009) refers to two main challenges for NGOs related to research: ?Get evidence into NGO policy and practice!? and: ?Get NGO practice into research!?  - (pdf, 290.36 Kb)
 Steps and strategies for Civil Society Organisations to strengthen their engagement in research for health
This is a tool developed by COHRED to suggest some steps that Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) could follow to engage in research for health at a country level. If you have any comments or suggestions to improve this tool please write to us at or start a discussion group in this platform.   - (pdf, 473.82 Kb)
 Steps and strategies for governments to strengthen civil society engagement at the national level
This is a tool developed by COHRED to suggest some steps Governments could take to engage Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in research for health at a country level. If you have any comments or suggestions to improve this tool please write to us at: or start a discussion group in this platform.   - (pdf, 472.99 Kb)
SurveyMonkey is a private American company that enables users to create their own web-survey, using free and enhanced paid products and services.  


A research on Sexual reproductive health  - (pdf, 1006.39 Kb)