Document |
Aligment and Harmonisation in Health Research in Low Income Countries A COHRED initiative |
Alignment and Harmonisation:Tanzania New aid modalities and donor harmonisation, 2003 (NORAD report) - (pdf, 244.09 Kb) |
Assessing the Efficacy of Health Research as a Development Strategy in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers NYU Wagner School of Public Health and COHRED, 2006 (Project report) - (pdf, 1531.51 Kb) |
Assessment study on harmonisation and alignment in rural development The case of Tanzania, 2005 (GDPRD working paper) - (pdf, 209.44 Kb) |
Global Research Ethics Map: Tanzania Harvard School of Public Health |
Health Systems 20/20: Tanzania USAID's global health project for strengthening health systems |
Publications related to Tanzania COHRED library and archives |
Research Capacity within IAPRCB Partner Institutions Findings of the first phase of the stakeholder consultation, 2008 (IAPRCB interim report) - (pdf, 272.53 Kb) |
Survey on harmonisation and alignment of donor practices Measuring aid harmonisation and alignment in 14 partner countries, 2005 (OECD survey) - (pdf, 88.87 Kb) |
Tanzania: An assessment of the Health Research System Alignment and harmonisation study. AHA series, 2009 (COHRED report) - (pdf, 559.42 Kb) |
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