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Key Institutions / Networks
 This section presents Regional Key Institutions and Networks. Specific country Key Institutions and Networks can be accessed from the country pages or from this link: Key Institutions / Networks
Type of Institution Institution Name URL Institution website
GovernmentInstituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá - INCAP/OPS - INCAP/PAHOVisit the institution's website 
GovernmentOPS/ PAHO Regional Office of the World Health OrganizationVisit the institution's website 
GovernmentOrganismo Andino de Salud Organismo Andino de Salud - Convenio Hipólito UnanueVisit the institution's website 
GovernmentOrganización del Covenio Andrés Bello - CABVisit the institution's website 
GovernmentPrograma Latinamericano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia & la TecnologíaVisit the institution's website 
GovernmentRed de Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología - RICYTVisit the institution's website 
GovernmentRed de Malnutrición en Iberoamérica Mel - CYTEDVisit the institution's website 
GovernmentRed Hemisférica Interuniversitaria de Información Científica y Tecnológca - REDHUCyTVisit the institution's website 
GovernmentRed Iberoamericana Ministerial de Aprendizaje e Investigación en Salud (RIMAIS)Visit the institution's website 
Private Research Institutions (for profit)International Health Central American Institute Foundation - IHCAI FOUNDATIONVisit the institution's website 
NetworkRED PARF (Red Panamericana para la Armonización de Reglamentación Farmacéutica)Visit the institution's website 



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