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Advisory Committee on Health Research - PAHO, 46th Session, 2017 Access the recordings, multimedia, resources and report of this meeting The 46th Session of the Advisory Committee on Health Research (ACHR) took place at the Headquarters of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), 525 Twenty-third Street, Washington DC, United States of America, 28 ? 30 November 2016. During the 46th Session, the ACHR issued recommendations to implement and monitor PAHO's Policy on Research for Health (CD49/10, the Policy), and developed approaches to channel research efforts towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Policy applies to Member States and PASB. |
Advisory Committee on Health Research. A review of its contributions to health and research for Health in the Americas 2009-2015. Second Revised Edition Covering the activities and recommendations of the Pan American Health Organization's (PAHO) Advisory Committee on Health Research (ACHR/CAIS- ?The Committee?) between 1962 and 2008, A Historical Review of its Contributions to Health, Health Care, and Health Policies was published in 2010. A summary of PAHO's 1962-2008 review was incorporated in the World Health Organization's (WHO) History of the Advisory Committee on Health Research 1959-1999. This document aims to complement the original review by assessing and summarizing the contributions that were made from 2009-2015. |
Agenda 2008: Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología en Iberoamérica. RICYT. Editores: Mario Albornoz, Carlos Vogt y Claudio Alfaraz. |
Apoyando el desarrollo de sistemas de investigación en salud en Latinoamérica. Resultados del Grupo Regional de Especialistas de América Latina, Antigua, Guatemala, COHRED, Agosto 2006. - (pdf, 229.08 Kb) |
Bases para la formulación de políticasde ciencia y tecnología en salud en América Latina Boletín de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana (OSP);116(2):165-76, feb. 1994. Autor: Alberto Pellegrini Filho - (pdf, 1069.68 Kb) |
BIREME - Biblioteca Virtual/Salud Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud |
BIREME -Biblioteca Virtual/CyS Ciencia y Salud |
Boletín de Investigación para la Salud de OPS Encuentre la colección de boletines periódicos de OPS sobre investigación para la salud, con novedades, actividades y recursos relevantes a la implementación de la Política de Investigación para la Salud en las Américas |
BOLETIN PIE - POLITICA-INFORMADA - EN EVIDENCIA Desarrollado específicamente para Iberoamérica |
BVS EVIPNet con Health Systems Evidence EVIPNet y su recurso de evidencias para politica incluye ahora Health Systems Evidence, con informacion en español relevante a los sistemas de salud |
Cochrane Canada Live webinars (live events and archives) In 2009, The Canadian Cochrane Centre launched the first webinar series within the Cochrane Collaboration in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization. If you missed one, you can still follow it from the archive |
Comité Asesor de Investigaciones en Salud (CAIS). Examen de sus contribuciones a la salud y a la investigación para la salud en la Región de las Américas 2009-2015 En el 2010 se publicó A Historical Review of Its Contributions to Health, Health Care, and Health Policies [revisión histórica de sus aportes a la salud, la atención en salud, y las políticas sanitarias], que enumeraba las actividades y recomendaciones del Comité Asesor de Investigaciones en Salud (CAIS) de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) entre los años 1962 y 2008. En la publicación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) History of the Advisory Committee on Health Research 1959-1999 se incluyó un examen realizado por la OPS para el período 1962-2008. El presente documento tiene por objeto complementar el examen original al evaluar y resumir las contribuciones realizadas en el período 2009-2015. |
Conferencias Latinoamericanas sobre Investigación e Innovación para la Salud Informes y publicaciones |
Database of Systematic Reviews and Research on Health Systems Evidence Health Systems Evidence is a continuously updated repository of syntheses of research evidence about governance, financial and delivery arrangements within health systems, and about implementation strategies that can support change in health systems and the EVIPNet implementation. |
Distribution of R&D funding flows for neglected diseases, by country, funder, and recipient organizations From WHO's Global Observatory on Health Research and Development. |
eHealth Country Profiles for the Americas / Perfiles de eSalud de las Americas PAHO Publishes eHealth country profiles OPS publica los perfiles nacionales de eSalud |
EPISTEMONIKOS, a one-stop shop for health care research evidence "Epistemonikos is a collaborative, multilingual database of health evidence. It is the largest source of systematic reviews relevant for health-decision making, and a large source of other types of scientific evidence." |
EU-LAC Health Final Conference? JIRI Health as a Joint Force to tackle EU-CELAC common health challenges Madrid, Spain, 15 June 2017 Jesús Fernández Crespo, Director of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III opened the EU-LAC HEALTH Final Conference. The EU-LAC Health Final Conference was the main and final dissemination event of the project. The main results and achievements were presented and discussed with research and policy stakeholders from EU and CELAC. The recommendations included following-up on progress with JIRI-Health and other partners from the conference. In the EU-LAC Health Joint Call, 21 funding agencies from 19 different countries participated. Out of 46 proposals, 38 were eligible with 14 focusing on neurodegenerative disorders and 24 on infectious diseases. These involved 176 research groups and amounted to approximately 16.3 Million Euros; the funding commitment was 6.68 Million Euros. To learn more about the conference click this link. |
EVIPNet Americas Evidence Informed Policy Networks |
Find Regional and Global Policies for health, in PAHO's IRIS site Welcome to the Institutional Repository of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO). This site aims to manage, preserve, and disseminate the knowledge generated by the technical areas of the Organization, including its Headquarters (in Washington, D.C.), representative offices, sub-regional offices, and Pan American centers. This platform is a result of the organizational strategy to preserve and provide access to its wealth of information in health sciences, and the history of technical cooperation between PAHO/WHO and the Member States in the Region of the Americas. If you need to link your research or activities to regional policies, this site will be most useful to you. Here you can identify relevant policies and download them. |
Gestión estratégica de las Organizaciones de Ciencia y Tecnología en Salud Serie Seminarios Salud y Política Pública - Seminario III - Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad, Junio 2002 Autor: Mario Rovere - (pdf, 193.42 Kb) |
Gobernanza en salud: un aporte conceptual y analíticopara la investigación [Governance in health: a conceptual and analytical approach toresearch]. Cad. Saúde Pública. 2006, vol.22, suppl., pp. S36. Autores: Huffy M, Báscolo E, Bazzani, R. - (pdf, 101.32 Kb) |
Health systems research authors in the Americas / Autores en investigación en sistemas de salud en las Américas Health systems research authors in the Americas / Autores en investigación en sistemas de salud en las Américas |
Informe de la Primera Conferencia Latinoamericana sobre Investigación e Innovación para la Salud. Comité Ejecutivo Primera Conferencia Latinoamericana sobre Investigación e Innovación en Salud. Octubre 2008. - (pdf, 623.25 Kb) |
International directory of health services and systems research centers (1995) Jointly published by the Programme on Health Systems Research and Development of the World Health Organization and the Federation for International Cooperation of Health Services and Systems Research Centers DC.HQ |
Knowledge Translation for Low and Middle Income Countries. Learning Modules developed by the Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research The modules are designed to help researchers and knowledge users learn more about knowledge translation (KT). The longer term goal, of course, is to ensure that the production and use of knowledge leads to improvements in health and health systems. The modules are a tool to achieve this objective and to advance our understanding of, and engagement in the KT process. |
Latin American Conferences on Research and Innovation for Health Reports and publications |
- Nuevas posibilidades de desarrollo de los sistemas nacionales de investigación para la salud en América Latina. 1ª Conferencia Latinoamericana sobre Investigación e Innovación para la Salud. Salud Pública de México 2009; 51(1): Autor: Becerra-Posada F. (this document will be available soon) |
PAHO Research bulletins Access the archive of PAHO's Research for Health newsletter where you will find listed opportunities, updates and key information on how the Policy on Research for Health is being implemented |
PAHO´s Health Research Focal Points in the Americas Health Research Promotion and Development Program |
Plataforma Internacional de Registros de Ensayos Clínicos / International Clinical Trial Registry Network - ICTRP Visit PAHO's website on clinical trial registration where you can find information about this initiative, and the link to the clinical trial search portal of ICTRP-WHO Visite la página de OPS donde encontrará información y el enlace a la base de ensayos clínicos de ICTRP-OMS |
Primera Conferencia Latinoamericana sobre Investigación e Innovación para la Salud. Río de Janeiro, Brasil, abril 15-18, 2008. Revista Médica. Autores: Alger J, Espinoza Salvadó I, Valenzuela R, de Haan S, Cuervo LG, Arana B, Gómez X, Tacsan L, Tristán M. - (pdf, 195.66 Kb) |
- Production of Scientific Articles in the Region of the Americas, 1992-2001. 39th Advisory Committee on Health Research, ACHR 39/2005.07, Santiago, Chile, 2005. Author: Paraje G. (this document will be available soon) |
Puntos focales de investigación de la OPS en las Américas Proyecto Promoción y Desarrollo de la Investigación |
Red Interamericana de Academias de Ciencias / Interamerican Network of Science Academies - IANAS IANAS is the Inter-American Network of Academies of Science. Networks are powerful instruments for sharing and rapidly disseminating information, best practices and novel ideas through a larger community. By virtue of their credibility and independence from government, academies have certain inherent advantages in addressing issues related to science, technology and health (STH), and in advancing high quality science education at the national level. Our Mission: is to strengthen science communities in the hemisphere and to provide an independent source of policy advice to governments on key scientific, technological and health challenges. Our Vision: IANAS views strong science academies and vibrant science and technology communities as essential to sustainable development in the Americas |
Relatório da Primeira Conferência Latino-Americana de Pesquisa e Inovação para Saúde. Resultados e documentos. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 15 - 18, 2008. - (pdf, 488.86 Kb) |
Report on the First Latin American Conference on Research and Innovation for Health. Results and documents, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15 - 18 April 2008. - (pdf, 623.1 Kb) |
Report on the Latin American Regional Consultation on Health Research forDevelopment. International Conference on Health Research for Development, Bangkok,October 2000, COHRED - (pdf, 281.06 Kb) |
Repository of research funded by DfID Repository of research funded by DfID (Department for International Development of the United Kingdom) Repositorio de estudios financiados por el Departamento para el Desarrollo Internacional del Reino Unido |
Research Newsletter of the Pan American Health Organization Find here the archived PAHO Research Newsletters (2010 - ) |
Situación de Salud en las Américas; Indicadores Básicos 2008. Organización Panamericana de la Salud. - (pdf, 1247.86 Kb) |
U.S. Investment in Health Research "Research!America has been tracking and analyzing the various streams of funding that make up the total U.S. investment in health research for a decade, and trends tell us we are headed in the wrong direction...Overall, U.S. investment in health research is essentially stagnant when compared to measures of inflation. In contrast, countries around the world are continuing to rapidly scale up investments in R&D. Renewed, robust U.S. investment in research is needed to foster the new treatments and cures that save lives and improve health while driving economic growth." |
WHO International clinical trial registry platform Search here registered clinical trial protocols from around the world. This is the most comprehensive clinical trial meta-registry |
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