Burkina Faso

Last update: 9 years


 Alignment and Harmonization of Health Research in Low Income Countries
AHA webpage 
 Alignment and Harmonization Study in Health Research (AHA Study)
Country Report 2008: Burkina Faso, COHRED - SIDA  - (pdf, 245.83 Kb)
 Assessing the Efficacy of Health Research as a Development Strategy in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers.
NYU Wagner - COHRED Capstone Project,  - (doc, 733.5 Kb)
 Health Research in Burkina Faso - a Summary
African consultative process, in preparation for the International Conference on Health Research for Development 
 Lessons in Research to Action and Policy
Case studies from seven countries 
 Rapport HDSS/CRSN documents
Une série de documents publié par le centre de recherche de Nouna 
 Research into Action, Issue 33
The Newsletter of the Council on Health Research for Development 
 The Use of Research for Decision-making in the Health Sector
The Case of 'Shared Care' in Burkina Faso 
- Tracking resources flow for health research and development in Burkina Faso (1999 - 2000)
Dr. Celestin Traore and Dr. Alain D. Zougba, (this document will be available soon)