
COHRED has been financing the staff time and early development costs since 2006 from its core budget, and continues to contribute. At the same time, an increasing group of donors, sponsors, users and clients is starting to contribute to the budget of HRWeb. In spite of this, the budget remains a 'shoestring budget' and your support is greatly welcomed.
If you want to give financial support -  click here

Current partners who integrated HRWeb as part of their websites: 


INDEPTH's Mission is to harness the collective potential of the world's community-based longitudinal demographic surveillance initiatives in resource constrained countries to provide a better, empirical understanding of health and social issues, and to apply this understanding to alleviate the most severe health and social challenges.


The MARC project is developing an interactive map of health research ethics review capacity and drug regulatory capacity in Africa. MARC receives financial support from EDCTP and Pfizer to achieve this aim. This ongoing project invites self-uploading of information on African Research Ethics Committees (RECs) and Drug Regulatory Authorities.


Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) is a parastatal organization with the responsibility of co-ordinating and promoting research and technology development activities in the country. It is the chief advisor to the Government on all matters pertaining to science and technology and their application to the socio-economic development of the country.


La recherche scientifique s’attache en premier lieu à produire de nouvelles connaissances puis de répondre aux besoins et aux principales préoccupations de la société grâce à la transformation de la recherche en innovation dont le but ultime est l’amélioration de la qualité de la vie (santé, environnement, alimentation, énergie, transport etc.).

Current financial support: 

As part of the Pan-American Health Organization’s (PAHO) program for the strengthening of research for health activities in the Americas, an agreement for technical collaboration (PONER ENLACE) between PAHO and the Council Health Research for Development (COHRED) has been signed. Within the framework of this collaboration, one of the activities is the support and gathering of information for HRWeb, so countries and other stakeholders will have the opportunity to get, in a single platform, relevant information and links to improve the management and dissemination of health research systems, priorities and activities in the region.

Awarded COHRED a 3-year grant to map i) research ethics committees, ii) ethics review capacity building programmes, and iii) drug regulatory mechanisms in all sub-Sahara African countries – and to display this on the HRWeb country pages. This project provides the link between ethics review, research governance and – if completed – research projects in low and middle income countries. In addition, once the 'health research ethics review' pages have been constructed, others from around the globe can use them as well.
Provided COHRED with a first HRWeb learning grant – to explore how low bandwidth countries in Africa could make most use of a web-based platform. Senegal and Zambia are partnering us in this effort. (March 27, 2008 - September 27,2009). "IDRC is a Canadian Crown corporation that works in close collaboration with researchers from the developing world in their search for the means to build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies."
Seeing the potential of HRWeb, the SDC provided funding for 1.5 years to contribute to staff costs and programming in low and middle income countries. (HRWeb's programming is done in Brazil). (January 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009)
Added funding to the 5-country AHA study – allowing COHRED and Tanzania to jointly prepare a national health research system map – displayed on HRWeb.
Provided COHRED with a short-term grant to complete national health research mapping in 8 countries and display this via HRWeb. With this, basic information on 22 EMRO member countries will become available.
Past financial support:
Funded COHRED to conduct a 5 country / 8 donor 'alignment and harmonisation in health research' study (see
AHA study)  in 2007. As a result, we could provide detailed mapping of national health research systems for Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mozambique, Uganda and Zambia on HRWeb in 2008.
If you want to give financial support – click here
Current institutional partners:

Past institutional partners:

Health Research Web in Colombia: Colciencias, the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia, is currently leading the development of Colombia´s country page. With this important initiative, all stakeholders will count, by the end of 2011, with a fully developed  research management information system on research for health activities taking place in Colombia. This has been possible thanks to the financial support of the Organization of Ibero-American States for the Education, Science and Culture - regional office (OEI)