Ministère de la Santé de la Population et de la Réforme Hospitalière
Dr. Amar Tou (
Telephone number: +213 (0) 21 27 99 00
Physical address
125, Bd Abderrahmane Laala, El-Madania
16075 - Alger
Postal address
125, Bd Abderrahmane Laala, El-Madania
16075 - Alger
Institution website address
In what sector does the institution operate
On what basis does the institution operate
Type of Organisation
Patient/Disease Organization or Association
What is the institutional affilliation of your Organisation
What is the level of operation
Does your organisation have a dedicated budget for research for health?
From what sources does the research budget come?
National government, Research grants, Sale of services, Fees for Services, Institutional Grant, Development Banks
Are members of your organisation compensated/remunerated for their work
Does your institution have its own
Offices, Telephone, Fax line, Computer, Internet Connection, Photocopier, Hospitals, Laboratories, Research Centre, Other
Are members of your organisation compensated/remunerated for their work
Does your organisation have a dedicated budget for research for health? Yes
From what sources does the research budget come?: National government, Research grants, Sale of services, Fees for Services, Institutional Grant, Development Banks
Ministère de la Santé, de la population et de la Réforme Hospitalière
L'organisation du système national de santé repose sur un ensemble de structures administratives et techniques, établissements spécialisés et organes scientifiques et techniques. Ce système se présente comme suit :
Administration centrale (Voir le Ministère)Structures spécialisées autonomes
5 Régions Sanitaires avec 5 CRS (Conseils Régionaux de la Santé) et 5 ORS (Observatoires Régionaux de la Santé)
48 DSP (Directions de la Santé et de la Population - Une direction par wilaya)
13 CHU (Centres Hospitalo-Universitaires)
31 EHS (Etablissements Hospitaliers spécialisés)
Conseil de Déontologie Médicale (Conseil de l'ordre)
Conseil National de l'Ethique en sciences de la santé
Sociétés savantes
Syndicats et associations professionnels