
  • Contact Info.
  • Organisation Info.
  • Resources
  • Publications
  • Supplementary Info.

Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa

Hospital Português/Real Sociedade Portuguesa de Beneficência 16 de Setembro

Research Ethics Comitee

Dr Aquiles Camelier (

Organisation administrator's name or contact person
Dr Aquiles Camelier (

Telephone number: 55 71 32035797

Fax Number: 55 71 32035550

Physical address
Av. Princesa Isabel, 914, Barra Avenida, ZIP Code 40.140-901, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Postal address
Av. Princesa Isabel, 914, Barra Avenida, ZIP Code 40.140-901, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil


Institution website address

Organisation Info.

In what sector does the institution operate

On what basis does the institution operate

Type of Organisation
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)

What is the institutional affilliation of your Organisation
Research Institution, Hospital


Level of operation

What is the level of operation
Institutional, Regional



Does your organisation have a dedicated budget for research for health?

Are members of your organisation compensated/remunerated for their work



Does your institution have its own
Hospitals, Laboratories, Research Centre


Protocols Submission Information

What is your preferred manner to receive protocols

What is the operational language(s) of the organisation

How often does your organisation convene to consider study protocols

How long in advance should the protocol be submitted to be considered at the next meeting


Details of Members

Are members of your organisation compensated/remunerated for their work


Human resources development

Does your organisation have a dedicated budget for research for health? No


Ethics Comitee Members

  1. Alessandro Farias (médico – CRM/BA 12625);
  2. Aquiles Assunção Camelier (médico – CRM/BA 12277) - Coordenador;
  3. Carolina Esteves Barbosa (médica – CRM/BA 13699);
  4. Edvane Batista Miranda Oliveira (enfermeira – COREN/BA);
  5. Flaviane Ribeiro de Souza (fisioterapeuta – CREFITO 754052-F);
  6. Gerson da Costa Leite Junior (farmacêutico – CRF/BA 5528);
  7. Gildete Borges Fernandes (nutricionista CRN – 0433);
  8. Licurgo Pamplona (médico – CRM/BA 12993);
  9. Miralba Freire da Silva (médica – CRM/BA 8761);
  10. Representante Religioso – José Luiz Lima dos Santos (Padre);
  11. Representante de Usuário – Justina Santana da ;
  12. Secretária – Dart Naiane Sena da Silva.

