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Health Research Agenda CHRC has collaborated with its stakeholders and developed a Health Research Agenda for the Caribbean. The crafting of the Agenda was guided by the latest edition of the Caribbean Cooperation in Health (CCH III). The latter defines the health priorities of the Caribbean and comprises eight Programme Areas. - (pdf, 932.34 Kb) |
Health Research Policy CHRC has developed a Health Research Policy for the Caribbean. The goal of the Policy is to guide the strengthening of systems so as to increase the production, access and use of essential research and thus facilitate the crafting of evidence-based health policies, programmes and practices. The key components of the Policy document include the proposed structure for health research systems in the Caribbean (at the national and regional levels) and strategies to promote their strengthening. It is expected that it will be adopted (or adapted) by CHRC member countries and thus provide the necessary framework as they continue the process of developing/strengthening functional national health research systems. - (pdf, 1426.07 Kb) |
Health Vision 2020 ?Health for all in Guyana? Health Vision 2020 ?Health for all in Guyana? A National Health Strategy for Guyana 2013 -2020 (covers research for health) |
National Health Plan (2003-2007), The Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Health. Ministry of Health, Guyana - 2003 - (pdf, 498.04 Kb) |
National Health Research Agenda 2010 "This document embodies the unified health research agenda that was drawn from multisector regional and national consultations involving representations from the Ministry of Health, University of Guyana (Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Sciences) The Ministry of Agriculture government, academe, research institutions, professional organizations, non government agencies, civil society and funding agencies. This national unified health research agenda specifies the areas and topics that need to Be addressed in the next five years (2010-2015) in line with global regional and national initiatives. Influencing the health sector like the Millennium Development Goals and the National Health Plan. These identified research topics are not meant to be comprehensive and final. Rather, they represent an evolving list of priorities that can be viewed as research topics in need of immediate action, given current thrusts and realities. Furthermore, these identified Research concerns and topics may serve the following purposes: ? As basis for policy action and advocacy for achieving the critical goals and objectives of health. ? As basis for funding projects particularly by the government sector and other Stakeholders from private and international organizations. ? As basis for academic work (thesis and dissertations) ? As basis for collaboration between and among institutions. ? As basis to maximize resource utilization among stakeholders and minimize duplication of efforts with the delineation of responsible agencies. ? As the template to advocate for support from local, national and international organizations so health research can be mainstreamed as an essential component ? In providing solutions that impact on the pressing health needs of the country and Contribute to national development. The ten priority areas that have been identified by key stake holders are, communicable diseases, food and nutrition, chronic non-communicable diseases, human resource development, gender and violence, strengthening health systems, environmental health, mental health, vector control and maternal and child health." - (pdf, 131.88 Kb) |
National Health Sector Strategy 2008-2012 Ministry of Health - Guyana, April 2008 - (pdf, 4492.87 Kb) |
National Science and Technology Policy for Guyana National Science Research Council (NSRC) - (pdf, 116.76 Kb) |
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