Faculté de Médécine de Monastir
Pr. A Chadly
Avenue Avicenne - Monastir - 5019
Número de teléfono: (+216) 73 462 200
Número de fax: (+216) 73 460 737
Dirección postal
La Faculté de Médecine de Monastir - Avenue Avicenne Monastir - 5019
La Faculté de Médecine de Monastir - Avenue Avicenne Monastir - 5019
URL de la institución
Información de la organización
Tipo de organización
Professional Association
¿Cuál es la afiliación institucional de su Organización
Nivel de operación
¿Cuál es el nivel de operación?
¿Su REC/IRB dispone de un presupuesto dedicado
From what sources does the research budget come?
National government
¿Los miembros de su REC/IRB reciben compensación/remuneración por su trabajo
¿Su institución tiene sus propias
Offices, Telephone, Fax line, Computer, Internet Connection, Photocopier, Laboratories, Research Centre, Other
Detalles sobre la membresía
¿Los miembros de su REC/IRB reciben compensación/remuneración por su trabajo
Desarrollo de recursos humanos
¿Su REC/IRB dispone de un presupuesto dedicado Yes
From what sources does the research budget come?: National government
The Faculty of Medicine has as a mission to train doctors and ensure they better meet the growing health needs of the population. Thus, a regularly updated and a potentially upgradable curriculum is provided to endow our future doctors with skills that match the current scientific developments and health challenges.
Aware of the changes taking place in the medical training world, the Faculty of Medicine of Monastir is devoted to offering its students -through a constantly improving curriculum and a highly-motivated teaching team- a course training that is in accordance with international standards and where teachers and students are partners in the learning process.
The curriculum issued by the Faculty of Medicine of Monastir enables future doctors to choose any speciality or opt for family medicine like other faculties abroad. Teaching, administrative and technical staff as well as senior students are available to support students and facilitate their training until graduation. In this framework, our faculty has been part of a Quality Improvement Project (QIP) for three years focusing on "Pedagogical Innovations at the service of medical education quality." We intend to continue in this way to gain international accreditation for the qualifications we deliver. The web-site that you are visiting is an interface between the faculty and the students as well as any other person accessing the site to draw useful information. It offers a window into the programs and people of this institution. It provides information about the Faculty of Medicine of Monastir and its organisation chart, the progress of the medical education curriculum, medical and scientific research, continuing medical education and available resource materials, whether conventional resources (books, journals, theses ...) or web sources, including an e-learning platform of the Faculty and other institutions. A section is obviously devoted to community life at the Faculty, which is of primary importance for the students' quality of life.
Our duty as facilitators of the learning process is to help students achieve their training objectives and start the professional career they are longing for.
Welcome among our followers and happy academic year 2012-2013