
Add a new Key Institution/Network

Type of Institution Institution Name URL Institution website
GovernmentDirection de la Pharmacie et du MedicamentVisit the institution's website 
Governmentle Centre National de Pharmacovigilance (CNPV)Visit the institution's website 
GovernmentLe Conseil Supérieur de la RechercheVisit the institution's website 
GovernmentMinistère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche ScientifiqueVisit the institution's website 
GovernmentMinistere de la Sante PubliqueVisit the institution's website 
GovernmentMinistry of Agriculture and Water Resources-
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Faculté de Médécine de MonastirVisit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Faculté de Médécine de SfaxVisit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Faculte de Pharmacie de MonastirVisit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Faculty of Dental Medicine de Monastir Visit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Faculty of Medicine of SousseVisit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Hôpital Farhat Hached SousseVisit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Institut Pasteur de TunisVisit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)National Institute of NeurologyVisit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)National Public Health Institute (INSP)-
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)UBMA- Université BADJI MOKHTAR de Annaba -