
Add a new Key Institution/Network

Type of Institution Institution Name URL Institution website
GovernmentMinistry of Health and Family WelfareVisit the institution's website 
Research CouncilsIndian Council of Medical Research-
Research CouncilsInstitute of Economic Growth-
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Academy of Medical SciencesVisit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Al-Karim Educational Trust, Patna-
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Aligarh Muslim UniversityVisit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Public Health Foundation of IndiaVisit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Regional Institute of Health and Family WelfareVisit the institution's website 
Private Research Institutions (for profit)Express TeamVisit the institution's website