
Add a new Key Institution/Network

Type of Institution Institution Name URL Institution website
GovernmentMinistry of Medical Services-
GovernmentMinistry of Public Health and Sanitation-
Research CouncilsKenya Medical Research InstituteVisit the institution's website 
Research CouncilsNational Health Research and Development Centre-
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)African Population and Health Research CenterVisit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Aga Khan University, Nairobi-
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)College of Health Sciences-
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Faculty of Health Sciences-
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)International Centre for Reproductive Health - Kenya (ICRH-K)Visit the institution's website 
Academic Institutions and Research Institutions (non-profit)Tropical Institute of Community Health and Development (TICH)Visit the institution's website