
Last update: 1 year


 Code of Ethical Standards for Drug Promotion
Code of Ethical Standards for Drug Promotion   - (pdf, 72.93 Kb)
- Code of ethical standards for drug promotion
Code of ethical standards for drug promotion  (this document will be available soon)
- Laws Violations for Drugs
Laws Violations for Drugs (this document will be available soon)
 National AIDS Program- National Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of HIV Infected Adults
National AIDS Program- National Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of HIV Infected Adults  - (pdf, 131.93 Kb)
 National Cancer Treatment Guidelines
National Cancer Treatment Guidelines 
 Practicing Pharmacy in Lebanon
Practicing Pharmacy in Lebanon  - (pdf, 10061.79 Kb)
 Registration, Import, marketing and distribution of Medecines
Registration, Import, marketing and distribution of Medecines  - (pdf, 1353.17 Kb)