
  • Contact Info.
  • Organisation Info.
  • Resources
  • Supplementary Info.

Laboratoire de Microbiologie et Biologie Moleculaire, LMBM - Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, CNRST

Laboratoire de Microbiologie et Biologie Moleculaire, LMBM

Telephone number: (212)(0) 537 778676

Fax Number: (212)(0) 537 778676

Physical address
Angle avenue Allal El Fassi, avenue des FAR, Quartier Hay Ryad, BP. 8027 Nations Unies, 10102 Rabat, MAROC

Postal address
Angle avenue Allal El Fassi, avenue des FAR, Quartier Hay Ryad, BP. 8027 Nations Unies, 10102 Rabat, MAROC


Institution website address

Organisation Info.

In what sector does the institution operate

On what basis does the institution operate

Type of Organisation
Professional Association

What is the institutional affilliation of your Organisation
Research Institution, Government


Level of operation

What is the level of operation



Does your organisation have a dedicated budget for research for health?

From what sources does the research budget come?
National government, Research grants, Sale of services, Institutional Grant

Are members of your organisation compensated/remunerated for their work



Does your institution have its own
Offices, Telephone, Fax line, Computer, Internet Connection, Photocopier, Laboratories, Research Centre


Details of Members

Are members of your organisation compensated/remunerated for their work


Human resources development

Does your organisation have a dedicated budget for research for health? Yes

From what sources does the research budget come?: National government, Research grants, Sale of services, Institutional Grant


For the first time, a moroccan focal point is created where microbiological material is preserved and related information and data are compiled. It is responsible for the distribution to interested academic and industrial workers.

The Moroccan Coordinated Collections of Micro-organisms ( CCMM ) is a national network for science and research. It contains 10 institutions belonging to 4 ministries (Higher Education and Scientific Research, Agriculture, Health and Equipment).


The network is coordinated by a central unit localized at the " Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique " (CNRST). The setting up of the CCMM network in Morocco is taking place in collaboration with the Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganisms (BCCM) consortium which is financed and coordinated by Belgian Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs .

The CCMM network takes into account the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, Rio de Janeiro, June 5th 1992). The CBD aims to provide for « the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources » (CBD article 1). At present, 176 countries including Belgium and Morocco, have signed this convention.

The main goal of the CCMM network is to create a national tool for promoting scientific interest and investigations in microbial biodiversity within the Moroccan Academic and Bioindustry Communities.

The present reseach activities of the CCMM network are financed mainly by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the National Centre for Scientific Research and Technical  Research(CNRST), and Belgian General Administration for International Cooperation (DGCI).

The CCMM collections compile approximately 3000 microorganisms including bacteria, yeasts, fungi and algae.

For its second edition of the catalogue, the CCMM publish 1039 well characterized and documented strains (bacteria, yeasts and fungi) of Moroccan origin.

