
Última actualização: 1 ano


 Assessing the Efficacy of Health Research as a Development Strategy in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers.
NYU Wagner – COHRED Capstone Project 2006   - (doc, 733.5 Kb)
 Can communities influence national health research agendas?
COHRED Record Paper 3   - (doc, 221.5 Kb)
 Health research systems development in Latin America (Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua)
Record Paper 6 2006 Resumen en español  - (pdf, 248.32 Kb)
 Health Systems 20/20
 Informe de la Delegación de Bolivia
Background paper for the 1st Latin American Conference on Research and Innovation for Health, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16-18 April 2008  - (pdf, 46.58 Kb)
 Research into Action, Issue 25
The Newsletter of the Council on Health Research for Development 2001  
Organo oficial del Colegio de Bioquímica y Farmacia de Bolivia, creado en 1992.